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Selasa, 07 September 2010


Posted on August 28, 2010 by Bismillah
STRATEGI EU 08.00-13.00

Strategi Aslinya begini (awas yo ini hanya berlaku utk EUR/USD) :

Pair : EUR/USD
Time Frame : M5
Jarak normal antar Grid : 15 pips
Range Daily bergerak 80-120 pips

Maka :

A. Cek di pagi jam antara jam 08.00 s/d 13.00 berapa nilai terendah/tertinggi hari itu.

B. Jika price bergerak 2 x grid = 30 pips (naik/turun) dari harga terendah/tertinggi maka

C. Setelah open, misal Open Buy, harga bergerak 10 pips naik maka SL juga dinaikkan 10 pips, bila pasar
bagus TP juga dapat ditambah sebelum kesentuh, begitu seterusnya.

artinya apa ni ? artinya jika EU udah bergerak 30 pips up/down dari harga terendah hari tsb. maka dia akan meluncuur…..

Kesimpulannya: Bila EU naik/turun 20 pips maka GO BUY/SELL meluncuuuuur 20-40 pips, Ini yg disebut Strategi FOREX RUNNER : sangat mekanikal dan tanpa indikator sama sekaleeee…:))

Dalam boso jowone Main Uber-uberan ing Valas (TP & SL)

Kenapa strategi ini paling cocok di EU ?

1. Karena spread-nya paleng rendah = 2 pips
2. Karena EU kagak mencla mencle, naik ya naik, turun ya turun ), hal ini karena currency Euro relatif stabil thd. USD.

udah saya backtesting metode ini 3 bulan ini, risiko 10-20%, probabilitas keberhasilan 80-90%.

Bisa sii dipake di GU dan USD/CHF, dua pair ini spreadnya 4 pips ya ? tapi disarankan TP-nya 10-20 aja
dan SL pake 30. GU akan meluncur setelah bergerak 20 pips
dari harga Open hari ybs.

INGAT : USD/CHF 180 Derajat kebalikannya EUR/USD
Tapiii, strategi ini jangan dipake di GBP/JPY yach!!!

oleh: ekotronik

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Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Trik “Sabtu Pagi”

Originally Posted by kelik , lihat forum

Perdagangan forex akan ditutup tepat pada pukul 04.00 WIB pagi Sabtu di setiap akhir minggu
dan akan dibuka lagi pada hari senin berikutnya pada pukul 04.00 WIB pagi..

Tips :

Buka posisi pada pukul 03.58 WIB pagi Sabtu dengan membuat entry order/pending order pada
10 pips di atas harga saat ini & 10 pips di bawah harga saat ini (current price)
Take Profit : 10 pips

Jumlah position yang ingin dibuka adalah bebas & terserah Anda.

Current Price : 2.0000
Buy Stop @ 2.0010

Harga akan mengenai salah satu posisi (atas/bawah) & menghasilkan profit ketika forex dibuka
pada pukul 04.00 WIB senin pagi.
Cancel order posisi yang tidak disentuh oleh harga pada pada senin pagi tersebut. Dari
pengalaman teknik ini belum pernah gagal & telah banyak membantu para trader mendapatkan
profit yang lumayan besar dalam forex trading.

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jumat news

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Trading Strategies and Techniques

How do I manage risk in trading?
The limit order and the stop-loss order are the most common risk management tools in trading. A limit order places restriction on the maximum price to be paid or the minimum price to be received. A stop-loss order ensures a particular position is automatically liquidated at a predetermined price in order to limit potential losses should the market move against a trader's position.

Controlling Risk
Controlling risk is one of the most important ingredients of successful trading. While it is emotionally more appealing to focus on the upside of trading, every trader should know precisely how much he or she is willing to lose on each trade before cutting losses, and how much he or she is willing to lose in trading account before ceasing trading and re-evaluating.

Risk will essentially be controlled in two ways: by exiting losing trades before losses exceed your pre-determined maximum tolerance (or "cutting losses"), and by limiting the "leverage" or position size you trade for a given account size.

What kind of strategy should I use?
Traders make decisions using business reports, economic fundamentals, technical factors and other relevant information. Technical traders use charts, trend lines, support and resistance levels, and numerous patterns and mathematical analyses to identify trading opportunities, whereas fundamentalists predict price movements by interpreting a wide variety of economic information, including news, business reports, government-issued indicators and reports, and even rumors. The most dramatic price movements, however, occur when unexpected events happen. The event can range from a central bank raising domestic interest rates to the outcome of a political election or even an act of war. Nonetheless, more often it is the expectation of an event that drives the market rather than the event itself.

How long are positions maintained?
As a general rule, a position is kept open until one of the following occurs: 1) realization of sufficient profits from a position; 2) the specified stop-loss is triggered; 3) another position that has a better potential appears and you need these funds.

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Jumat, 03 September 2010

tips marketiva

Berikut ini 10 ( sepuluh ) Besar Peringkat News yang perlu di perhitungkan :
1. NonFarm_Payroll USA (efek 100 – 200 pips).
2. Trade Balance USA (efek 70 – 120 pips).
3. Interest Rate Statements (efek 100 pips).
4. Durable Good (efek 50 – 100 pips).
5. Producer Price Index (efek 50 – 60 pips)
6. PPI excl. Food and Energy (efek 50 – 60 pips)
7. Consumer Price Index (efek 50 – 60 pips).
8. CPI excl. Food and Energy (efek 50 – 60 pips).
9. Trichet, Bernanke, & Fukui Speaks (efek 30 – 100 pips).
10. Unemployment Rate (efek 30 – 50 pips).

Nah, silahkan anda gunakan perangkap pada 10-15 menit menjelang News ini muncul. Selain dari News ini, silahkan abaikan saja[tidak berguna]...

* Open metatrader dengan time frame 30 Menit
* Lihat harga sekarang
* Open 25 sampai 30 pips dari harga sekarang, misal harga GBPUSD sekarang adalah 1.8425, maka anda bisa open BUY STOP 1.8450 dan SELL STOP di 1.8400.
* Ambil Target sesuai dengan Kekuatan EFEK nya, misal Take Profit = 50 (TP terserah anda)
* Jangan lupa pakai Stop Loss 50% dari target anda, misal Stop Loss = 30
* Jika anda menggunakan Metatrader untuk trading real, maka jangan lupa set Trailing Stop = 15, caranya klik kanan di order anda kemudian Set Trailing Stop 15 pips. Trailing Stop bertujuan untuk menggeser stop loss menjadi take profit. misal Stop loss mula mula adalah -40 pips, maka ketika anda profit +30 maka Stop Loss akan otomatis bergeser +15 pips dan semakin profit bertambah maka trailing stop akan otomatis bertambah.


Trik Jitu mendapatkan 100 pips dari news NFP (trik ini hampir 90% berhasil)

Check Your Calender This Month First
Efek dari news ini sangat besar 100-200 pips dan selalu seperti itu.
Temen-temen gak usah pusing mikirin ini news apa, yang jelas, setiap JUM’AT Minggu Pertama tiap bulan, NEWS ini selalu Muncul....sebulan sekali, jam 19.30 WIB.
Efek dari News ini selalu 1 (satu) arah dengan cepat, apakah keatas apakah kebawah, nah kalo gitu...ngapain ragu.....buat perangkap ajah.
Nah, sekarang coba kita buat Perangkapnya :

Strategy :
> Sebelum News Muncul.....mulai Pagi...LIBUR Trade.
> Mulai Trade sebaiknya 30 menit menjelang News Muncul.
> Pasang Perangkap, silahkan lihat Strategy Perangkap NFP.

* Open metatrader dengan time frame 30 Menit
* Lihat harga sekarang
* BUY STOP di +30 dari harga sekarang, SELL STOP di -30 pips dari harga sekarang, misal harga GBPUSD sekarang adalah 1.8430, maka anda bisa open BUY STOP 1.8460 dan SELL STOP di 1.8400.
* Ambil Target sesuai dengan Kekuatan EFEK nya, misal Take Profit = 100 (TP terserah anda)
* Jangan lupa pakai Stop Loss 50% dari target anda, misal Stop Loss = 40
* Jika anda menggunakan Metatrader untuk trading real, maka jangan lupa set Trailing Stop = 15, caranya klik kanan di order anda kemudian Set Trailing Stop 15 pips. Trailing Stop bertujuan untuk menggeser stop loss menjadi take profit. misal Stop loss mula mula adalah -40 pips, maka ketika anda profit +30 maka Stop Loss akan otomatis bergeser +15 pips dan semakin profit bertambah maka trailing stop akan otomatis bertambah.

Strategy ini 90% selalu sukses.
Jika anda Trader dengan Standart Account, sebenarnya bisa melakukan trade disini cukup 1 (satu) kali satu bulan untuk target bulanan 100 pips. Maka dalam 3 bulan (hanya 3 kali trade anda sudah ROI).
Kuncinya adalah :
1. Ketahui Kapan Jadwal News NFP bakal muncul bulan ini, setiap hari JUMAT AWAL BULAN.
2. Siapkan Perangkap 100 pips di 10-30 menit menjelang News Muncul dengan Posisi seperti yang saya jelaskan tadi.
3. Jika anda sudah terbiasa dengan perangkap ini, gunakan Quantity 30 % dari Margin anda.
4. Nikmati hasilnya 1 bulan dan nunggu News NFP Bulan Depan untuk trade selanjutnya.

Hemat pulsa, libur trade 29 hari.

Deposit $3000, anda trade dengan $1000 (Quantity 10.000), dengan keuntungan 1 pips = $10, dengan trade 15 menit sebulan sekali ini, 100 pips diperoleh sebagai target sehingga hasil bulanan cukup $1000.....(10 juta bro..... hanya dengan 15 menit sebulan sekali...), udah ngalahin gaji pegawai kantoran yang bekerja keras setiap hari nih..... ;p

Jadi wajib hukumnya trading forex pada saat news ini muncul hehe...


Banyak berpendapat bahwa Efek News ini selalu menghasilkan pergerakan yang luar biasa dari currency pair. Tetapi penulis beranggapan bahwa Interest News ini di posisi sebagai berikut :

Coba anda lihat dulu posisi currency pair dalam market saat menjelang interest news release.
Jika currency pair berada dalam posisi tertekan, maka akan memberikan efek yang cukup luar biasa, namun jika currency pairnya tidak dalam posisi tertekan, rasanya efeknya juga tidak begitu besar.

Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa yang penting dari Release Interest Rate “Kenaikan Suku Bunga” ini bukanlah News itu sendiri melainkan hanyalah proses KESEIMBANGAN dari currency tersebut.

Nah, kalau begitu…ngapain lagi eforia dengan Interest Rate…sampe-sampe gak tidur segala nungguin News nya release, lebih baik jika anda lakukan analisis terlebih dahulu posisi rate tersebut dengan posisi currency pair yang didukungnya.

Mempelajari FOREX memang agak rumit, tapi apa salahnya just follow the leader?

amati pergerakan dimana mereka ambil posisi BUY dan sell, kapan dan berapa mereka ambil STOP LOSS

dari arah pergerakan dan alasan mereka kenapa profit, kenapa loss kenapa no trade...

kita bisa ambil maknanya..

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Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Working with Streamster™

Working with Streamster is easy. You just need to learn few basics and you are ready to go.

Creating a new alert
To create a new alert:
  • Within the Alerts window, click New.
  • Click Next, and then select the strategy to use with the newly created alert. Click Next.
  • Select the conditions for the alert: double-click each parameter, enter the desired value for the parameter and click OK. Click Next when all necessary parameters are set.
  • Type in the name of the alert and select the alert priority. Click Next.
  • Click Finish to create the alert.

Modifying alerts
To modify an alert:
  • Within the Alerts window, click Subscriptions.
  • Double-click the alert you wish to modify.
  • Use the General and Strategy windows to modify the alert.
  • Click OK.
  • Click OK to confirm changes to any modified alerts.

Deleting alerts
To delete an alert:
  • Within the Alerts window, click Subscriptions.
  • Click the alert you wish to delete.
  • Click the Remove button and confirm the removal.
  • Click OK.

Managing market instrument subscriptions
Streamster allows you to monitor any number of market instruments at once and choose the information you wish to see for each of the market instruments.

Subscribing to market instruments
To subscribe to updates for a chosen market instrument:
  • Click Subscriptions in a price window.
  • Under Subscribe, click the text field and type in the desired market instrument name. You can also specify a part of a name: for example, typing ABC will display any market instruments with ABC in its name.
  • Click Search.
  • Within the Search Results box, double-click the name of any market instrument you wish to subscribe to. The name of the market instrument will appear under Active Subscriptions box.
  • Click OK to confirm your subscriptions.

Removing market instrument subscriptions
To unsubscribe from updates for a market instrument:
  • Click Subscriptions in a price window.
  • Under Active Subscriptions, click the market instrument you wish to unsubscribe from, and click Remove.
  • Click OK to confirm your subscriptions.

Selecting market update filters
Streamster allows you to select which columns you wish to see for market instruments you are subscribed to.

To choose columns to be displayed in a price window:
  • Click Columns in a price window.
  • Check or uncheck the box next to the column name. It is also possible to change the order in which columns are shown by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
  • Click OK.

Joining and leaving discussion groups
By default, you are subscribed to a number of discussion groups. However, you might want to leave or join specific groups depending on your interests.

To leave or join a discussion group:
  • Click Groups in the Discussions window.
  • Check or uncheck the box next to the group name, depending on whether you wand to join or leave the group.
  • Click OK.

Selecting news categories
Streamster displays the incoming news stories in the News window depending on your selection of news categories of interest.

To narrow down a set of news categories you are interested in:
  • Click Categories within the Latest News window.
  • Check or uncheck the box next to the name of the desired news category.
  • Click OK to confirm the selection.

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Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Getting started with Streamster

Streamster basics, download and installation
Novativa Streamster™ is the proprietary software utilized by Marketiva to deliver financial information and trading services to its clients. Streamster was designed and developed by Novativa Corporation.

Streamster can be used on Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP and Vista. Please check the download section for a detailed information as the list of operating systems changes. All of the information and service provided by Marketiva is delivered via Streamster software that can be downloaded from:

In order to install Streamster, you need to double click on the executable downloaded from the link above and follow an easy to use installation wizard. Streamster icon will then be placed on your desktop, which you can double-click to launch this program.

Connecting to the Streamster Server
To use Streamster, you must be connected to the Internet. You can use either a dial-up connection with a phone-based modem, a broadband connection such as DSL or cable modem, or a LAN (local area network) with Internet access. Streamster is capable of connecting to the Streamster Server whenever there is an Internet connection present. If your Internet Explorer works properly, Streamster should work as well.

To connect to the Streamster Server:
  • Double-click the Streamster icon on your desktop or start menu.
  • Type in your user name.
  • Type in the password.
  • Click Connect.

Upon connecting, Streamster will take between 5 and 60 seconds to download the start-up data.

Understanding security
Streamster uses industry-standard 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) to encrypt the communication between you and the Streamster Server. Streamster protects your privacy by encrypting any and all data received and sent between Streamster and the Streamster Server, and by verifying the identity of the Streamster Server prior to any communication.

Troubleshooting connectivity
Because Streamster uses SSL (secure sockets layer) to communicate with Streamster Server, it is necessary that your Internet connection supports SSL. If you are using a dial-up or a broadband connection, you will be able to use SSL. However, if your computer is behind a company firewall, it might be possible that network administrators have disabled SSL. If you are unable to connect to the Streamster Server, please ask your network administrators to enable SSL by allowing TCP communication on port 443.

Streamster will work with a proxy server if your Internet Explorer is configured to use one. To check or configure your proxy settings, please open Internet Explorer, select Internet Options from the Tools menu and then click Connections.

Common connection errors in Streamster
Error: Please check your network connection and server address, and try again. (0x80342af9).

This error message is usually seen if the user has installed a download accelerator or a newer version of Norton Antivirus application on his computer. To resolve this issue and enable connection to the Streamster server, simply disable the download accelerator application before connecting to the Streamster server.

IMPORTANT: This or similar error messages can also be seen if the user is sitting behind a personal or corporate firewall that does not let communication on SSL port (number 443). Please contact your security administrator, as this port should normally be open for outbound traffic.

Error: Server security certificate is invalid or expired.

This error message is usually seen if the system date and time are not correctly set (due to BIOS upgrade or battery failure) on your computer. To resolve this issue and enable connection to the Streamster server, simply update your system date and time.

Special Windows 98 requirements
Microsoft Windows 98 is an older operating system that does not support a high level of encryption and related services by default. You will need to download and install the so-called "Active Directory Client" (dsclient.exe). This program adds necessary components to Windows 98 installation and can be downloaded from many web sites, including:

After downloading this file, please run and install it and proceed with the installation of the software as usual.

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