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Selasa, 07 September 2010


Posted on August 28, 2010 by Bismillah
STRATEGI EU 08.00-13.00

Strategi Aslinya begini (awas yo ini hanya berlaku utk EUR/USD) :

Pair : EUR/USD
Time Frame : M5
Jarak normal antar Grid : 15 pips
Range Daily bergerak 80-120 pips

Maka :

A. Cek di pagi jam antara jam 08.00 s/d 13.00 berapa nilai terendah/tertinggi hari itu.

B. Jika price bergerak 2 x grid = 30 pips (naik/turun) dari harga terendah/tertinggi maka

C. Setelah open, misal Open Buy, harga bergerak 10 pips naik maka SL juga dinaikkan 10 pips, bila pasar
bagus TP juga dapat ditambah sebelum kesentuh, begitu seterusnya.

artinya apa ni ? artinya jika EU udah bergerak 30 pips up/down dari harga terendah hari tsb. maka dia akan meluncuur…..

Kesimpulannya: Bila EU naik/turun 20 pips maka GO BUY/SELL meluncuuuuur 20-40 pips, Ini yg disebut Strategi FOREX RUNNER : sangat mekanikal dan tanpa indikator sama sekaleeee…:))

Dalam boso jowone Main Uber-uberan ing Valas (TP & SL)

Kenapa strategi ini paling cocok di EU ?

1. Karena spread-nya paleng rendah = 2 pips
2. Karena EU kagak mencla mencle, naik ya naik, turun ya turun ), hal ini karena currency Euro relatif stabil thd. USD.

udah saya backtesting metode ini 3 bulan ini, risiko 10-20%, probabilitas keberhasilan 80-90%.

Bisa sii dipake di GU dan USD/CHF, dua pair ini spreadnya 4 pips ya ? tapi disarankan TP-nya 10-20 aja
dan SL pake 30. GU akan meluncur setelah bergerak 20 pips
dari harga Open hari ybs.

INGAT : USD/CHF 180 Derajat kebalikannya EUR/USD
Tapiii, strategi ini jangan dipake di GBP/JPY yach!!!

oleh: ekotronik

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Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Trik “Sabtu Pagi”

Originally Posted by kelik , lihat forum

Perdagangan forex akan ditutup tepat pada pukul 04.00 WIB pagi Sabtu di setiap akhir minggu
dan akan dibuka lagi pada hari senin berikutnya pada pukul 04.00 WIB pagi..

Tips :

Buka posisi pada pukul 03.58 WIB pagi Sabtu dengan membuat entry order/pending order pada
10 pips di atas harga saat ini & 10 pips di bawah harga saat ini (current price)
Take Profit : 10 pips

Jumlah position yang ingin dibuka adalah bebas & terserah Anda.

Current Price : 2.0000
Buy Stop @ 2.0010

Harga akan mengenai salah satu posisi (atas/bawah) & menghasilkan profit ketika forex dibuka
pada pukul 04.00 WIB senin pagi.
Cancel order posisi yang tidak disentuh oleh harga pada pada senin pagi tersebut. Dari
pengalaman teknik ini belum pernah gagal & telah banyak membantu para trader mendapatkan
profit yang lumayan besar dalam forex trading.

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jumat news

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Trading Strategies and Techniques

How do I manage risk in trading?
The limit order and the stop-loss order are the most common risk management tools in trading. A limit order places restriction on the maximum price to be paid or the minimum price to be received. A stop-loss order ensures a particular position is automatically liquidated at a predetermined price in order to limit potential losses should the market move against a trader's position.

Controlling Risk
Controlling risk is one of the most important ingredients of successful trading. While it is emotionally more appealing to focus on the upside of trading, every trader should know precisely how much he or she is willing to lose on each trade before cutting losses, and how much he or she is willing to lose in trading account before ceasing trading and re-evaluating.

Risk will essentially be controlled in two ways: by exiting losing trades before losses exceed your pre-determined maximum tolerance (or "cutting losses"), and by limiting the "leverage" or position size you trade for a given account size.

What kind of strategy should I use?
Traders make decisions using business reports, economic fundamentals, technical factors and other relevant information. Technical traders use charts, trend lines, support and resistance levels, and numerous patterns and mathematical analyses to identify trading opportunities, whereas fundamentalists predict price movements by interpreting a wide variety of economic information, including news, business reports, government-issued indicators and reports, and even rumors. The most dramatic price movements, however, occur when unexpected events happen. The event can range from a central bank raising domestic interest rates to the outcome of a political election or even an act of war. Nonetheless, more often it is the expectation of an event that drives the market rather than the event itself.

How long are positions maintained?
As a general rule, a position is kept open until one of the following occurs: 1) realization of sufficient profits from a position; 2) the specified stop-loss is triggered; 3) another position that has a better potential appears and you need these funds.

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Jumat, 03 September 2010

tips marketiva

Berikut ini 10 ( sepuluh ) Besar Peringkat News yang perlu di perhitungkan :
1. NonFarm_Payroll USA (efek 100 – 200 pips).
2. Trade Balance USA (efek 70 – 120 pips).
3. Interest Rate Statements (efek 100 pips).
4. Durable Good (efek 50 – 100 pips).
5. Producer Price Index (efek 50 – 60 pips)
6. PPI excl. Food and Energy (efek 50 – 60 pips)
7. Consumer Price Index (efek 50 – 60 pips).
8. CPI excl. Food and Energy (efek 50 – 60 pips).
9. Trichet, Bernanke, & Fukui Speaks (efek 30 – 100 pips).
10. Unemployment Rate (efek 30 – 50 pips).

Nah, silahkan anda gunakan perangkap pada 10-15 menit menjelang News ini muncul. Selain dari News ini, silahkan abaikan saja[tidak berguna]...

* Open metatrader dengan time frame 30 Menit
* Lihat harga sekarang
* Open 25 sampai 30 pips dari harga sekarang, misal harga GBPUSD sekarang adalah 1.8425, maka anda bisa open BUY STOP 1.8450 dan SELL STOP di 1.8400.
* Ambil Target sesuai dengan Kekuatan EFEK nya, misal Take Profit = 50 (TP terserah anda)
* Jangan lupa pakai Stop Loss 50% dari target anda, misal Stop Loss = 30
* Jika anda menggunakan Metatrader untuk trading real, maka jangan lupa set Trailing Stop = 15, caranya klik kanan di order anda kemudian Set Trailing Stop 15 pips. Trailing Stop bertujuan untuk menggeser stop loss menjadi take profit. misal Stop loss mula mula adalah -40 pips, maka ketika anda profit +30 maka Stop Loss akan otomatis bergeser +15 pips dan semakin profit bertambah maka trailing stop akan otomatis bertambah.


Trik Jitu mendapatkan 100 pips dari news NFP (trik ini hampir 90% berhasil)

Check Your Calender This Month First
Efek dari news ini sangat besar 100-200 pips dan selalu seperti itu.
Temen-temen gak usah pusing mikirin ini news apa, yang jelas, setiap JUM’AT Minggu Pertama tiap bulan, NEWS ini selalu Muncul....sebulan sekali, jam 19.30 WIB.
Efek dari News ini selalu 1 (satu) arah dengan cepat, apakah keatas apakah kebawah, nah kalo gitu...ngapain ragu.....buat perangkap ajah.
Nah, sekarang coba kita buat Perangkapnya :

Strategy :
> Sebelum News Muncul.....mulai Pagi...LIBUR Trade.
> Mulai Trade sebaiknya 30 menit menjelang News Muncul.
> Pasang Perangkap, silahkan lihat Strategy Perangkap NFP.

* Open metatrader dengan time frame 30 Menit
* Lihat harga sekarang
* BUY STOP di +30 dari harga sekarang, SELL STOP di -30 pips dari harga sekarang, misal harga GBPUSD sekarang adalah 1.8430, maka anda bisa open BUY STOP 1.8460 dan SELL STOP di 1.8400.
* Ambil Target sesuai dengan Kekuatan EFEK nya, misal Take Profit = 100 (TP terserah anda)
* Jangan lupa pakai Stop Loss 50% dari target anda, misal Stop Loss = 40
* Jika anda menggunakan Metatrader untuk trading real, maka jangan lupa set Trailing Stop = 15, caranya klik kanan di order anda kemudian Set Trailing Stop 15 pips. Trailing Stop bertujuan untuk menggeser stop loss menjadi take profit. misal Stop loss mula mula adalah -40 pips, maka ketika anda profit +30 maka Stop Loss akan otomatis bergeser +15 pips dan semakin profit bertambah maka trailing stop akan otomatis bertambah.

Strategy ini 90% selalu sukses.
Jika anda Trader dengan Standart Account, sebenarnya bisa melakukan trade disini cukup 1 (satu) kali satu bulan untuk target bulanan 100 pips. Maka dalam 3 bulan (hanya 3 kali trade anda sudah ROI).
Kuncinya adalah :
1. Ketahui Kapan Jadwal News NFP bakal muncul bulan ini, setiap hari JUMAT AWAL BULAN.
2. Siapkan Perangkap 100 pips di 10-30 menit menjelang News Muncul dengan Posisi seperti yang saya jelaskan tadi.
3. Jika anda sudah terbiasa dengan perangkap ini, gunakan Quantity 30 % dari Margin anda.
4. Nikmati hasilnya 1 bulan dan nunggu News NFP Bulan Depan untuk trade selanjutnya.

Hemat pulsa, libur trade 29 hari.

Deposit $3000, anda trade dengan $1000 (Quantity 10.000), dengan keuntungan 1 pips = $10, dengan trade 15 menit sebulan sekali ini, 100 pips diperoleh sebagai target sehingga hasil bulanan cukup $1000.....(10 juta bro..... hanya dengan 15 menit sebulan sekali...), udah ngalahin gaji pegawai kantoran yang bekerja keras setiap hari nih..... ;p

Jadi wajib hukumnya trading forex pada saat news ini muncul hehe...


Banyak berpendapat bahwa Efek News ini selalu menghasilkan pergerakan yang luar biasa dari currency pair. Tetapi penulis beranggapan bahwa Interest News ini di posisi sebagai berikut :

Coba anda lihat dulu posisi currency pair dalam market saat menjelang interest news release.
Jika currency pair berada dalam posisi tertekan, maka akan memberikan efek yang cukup luar biasa, namun jika currency pairnya tidak dalam posisi tertekan, rasanya efeknya juga tidak begitu besar.

Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa yang penting dari Release Interest Rate “Kenaikan Suku Bunga” ini bukanlah News itu sendiri melainkan hanyalah proses KESEIMBANGAN dari currency tersebut.

Nah, kalau begitu…ngapain lagi eforia dengan Interest Rate…sampe-sampe gak tidur segala nungguin News nya release, lebih baik jika anda lakukan analisis terlebih dahulu posisi rate tersebut dengan posisi currency pair yang didukungnya.

Mempelajari FOREX memang agak rumit, tapi apa salahnya just follow the leader?

amati pergerakan dimana mereka ambil posisi BUY dan sell, kapan dan berapa mereka ambil STOP LOSS

dari arah pergerakan dan alasan mereka kenapa profit, kenapa loss kenapa no trade...

kita bisa ambil maknanya..

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Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Working with Streamster™

Working with Streamster is easy. You just need to learn few basics and you are ready to go.

Creating a new alert
To create a new alert:
  • Within the Alerts window, click New.
  • Click Next, and then select the strategy to use with the newly created alert. Click Next.
  • Select the conditions for the alert: double-click each parameter, enter the desired value for the parameter and click OK. Click Next when all necessary parameters are set.
  • Type in the name of the alert and select the alert priority. Click Next.
  • Click Finish to create the alert.

Modifying alerts
To modify an alert:
  • Within the Alerts window, click Subscriptions.
  • Double-click the alert you wish to modify.
  • Use the General and Strategy windows to modify the alert.
  • Click OK.
  • Click OK to confirm changes to any modified alerts.

Deleting alerts
To delete an alert:
  • Within the Alerts window, click Subscriptions.
  • Click the alert you wish to delete.
  • Click the Remove button and confirm the removal.
  • Click OK.

Managing market instrument subscriptions
Streamster allows you to monitor any number of market instruments at once and choose the information you wish to see for each of the market instruments.

Subscribing to market instruments
To subscribe to updates for a chosen market instrument:
  • Click Subscriptions in a price window.
  • Under Subscribe, click the text field and type in the desired market instrument name. You can also specify a part of a name: for example, typing ABC will display any market instruments with ABC in its name.
  • Click Search.
  • Within the Search Results box, double-click the name of any market instrument you wish to subscribe to. The name of the market instrument will appear under Active Subscriptions box.
  • Click OK to confirm your subscriptions.

Removing market instrument subscriptions
To unsubscribe from updates for a market instrument:
  • Click Subscriptions in a price window.
  • Under Active Subscriptions, click the market instrument you wish to unsubscribe from, and click Remove.
  • Click OK to confirm your subscriptions.

Selecting market update filters
Streamster allows you to select which columns you wish to see for market instruments you are subscribed to.

To choose columns to be displayed in a price window:
  • Click Columns in a price window.
  • Check or uncheck the box next to the column name. It is also possible to change the order in which columns are shown by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
  • Click OK.

Joining and leaving discussion groups
By default, you are subscribed to a number of discussion groups. However, you might want to leave or join specific groups depending on your interests.

To leave or join a discussion group:
  • Click Groups in the Discussions window.
  • Check or uncheck the box next to the group name, depending on whether you wand to join or leave the group.
  • Click OK.

Selecting news categories
Streamster displays the incoming news stories in the News window depending on your selection of news categories of interest.

To narrow down a set of news categories you are interested in:
  • Click Categories within the Latest News window.
  • Check or uncheck the box next to the name of the desired news category.
  • Click OK to confirm the selection.

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Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Getting started with Streamster

Streamster basics, download and installation
Novativa Streamster™ is the proprietary software utilized by Marketiva to deliver financial information and trading services to its clients. Streamster was designed and developed by Novativa Corporation.

Streamster can be used on Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP and Vista. Please check the download section for a detailed information as the list of operating systems changes. All of the information and service provided by Marketiva is delivered via Streamster software that can be downloaded from:

In order to install Streamster, you need to double click on the executable downloaded from the link above and follow an easy to use installation wizard. Streamster icon will then be placed on your desktop, which you can double-click to launch this program.

Connecting to the Streamster Server
To use Streamster, you must be connected to the Internet. You can use either a dial-up connection with a phone-based modem, a broadband connection such as DSL or cable modem, or a LAN (local area network) with Internet access. Streamster is capable of connecting to the Streamster Server whenever there is an Internet connection present. If your Internet Explorer works properly, Streamster should work as well.

To connect to the Streamster Server:
  • Double-click the Streamster icon on your desktop or start menu.
  • Type in your user name.
  • Type in the password.
  • Click Connect.

Upon connecting, Streamster will take between 5 and 60 seconds to download the start-up data.

Understanding security
Streamster uses industry-standard 128-bit SSL (secure sockets layer) to encrypt the communication between you and the Streamster Server. Streamster protects your privacy by encrypting any and all data received and sent between Streamster and the Streamster Server, and by verifying the identity of the Streamster Server prior to any communication.

Troubleshooting connectivity
Because Streamster uses SSL (secure sockets layer) to communicate with Streamster Server, it is necessary that your Internet connection supports SSL. If you are using a dial-up or a broadband connection, you will be able to use SSL. However, if your computer is behind a company firewall, it might be possible that network administrators have disabled SSL. If you are unable to connect to the Streamster Server, please ask your network administrators to enable SSL by allowing TCP communication on port 443.

Streamster will work with a proxy server if your Internet Explorer is configured to use one. To check or configure your proxy settings, please open Internet Explorer, select Internet Options from the Tools menu and then click Connections.

Common connection errors in Streamster
Error: Please check your network connection and server address, and try again. (0x80342af9).

This error message is usually seen if the user has installed a download accelerator or a newer version of Norton Antivirus application on his computer. To resolve this issue and enable connection to the Streamster server, simply disable the download accelerator application before connecting to the Streamster server.

IMPORTANT: This or similar error messages can also be seen if the user is sitting behind a personal or corporate firewall that does not let communication on SSL port (number 443). Please contact your security administrator, as this port should normally be open for outbound traffic.

Error: Server security certificate is invalid or expired.

This error message is usually seen if the system date and time are not correctly set (due to BIOS upgrade or battery failure) on your computer. To resolve this issue and enable connection to the Streamster server, simply update your system date and time.

Special Windows 98 requirements
Microsoft Windows 98 is an older operating system that does not support a high level of encryption and related services by default. You will need to download and install the so-called "Active Directory Client" (dsclient.exe). This program adds necessary components to Windows 98 installation and can be downloaded from many web sites, including:

After downloading this file, please run and install it and proceed with the installation of the software as usual.

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Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Fitur Deteksi Spam Otomatis Blogger, Baru !!

Haloo Sobat Blogger, ada kabar gembira nech dari Blogspot team atau khususnya bagi pengguna platform blogger.com, dimana baru-baru ini blogger mengeluarkan fasilitas baru yaitu Fitur Deteksi Spam Otomatis. Fitur ini tentunya sangat bermanfaat bagi kita yang notabene adalah seorang blogger.

Bagi Pengguna Flatform Blogspot.com silakan login ke account anda kemudian cek komentar kotak masuk spam,

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Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010

Marketiva Chat Channels

How do I join a chat channel?
If you wish to see all the discussion groups in Streamster, please click the button located at the top of the [Discussions] window.

Why chat flashes and how to save or clear content?
When channel name flashes, it means there is a new and unseen chat content in that chat channel. If you want to save text from a chat channel, simply click on the button and browse to a location where you want to save a log file. If you want to clear text from a chat channel, simply click on the button and the chat content will be deleted.

How to setup Chinese and Arabic letters?

If you want to see Chinese and Arabic letters in the chat instead or replacement squares, you need to open [Control Panel] and go to the [Regional and Language Options]. Select [Languages] tab and click on [Install files for East-Asian languages].

Are there limitations in chat I should be aware of?
Please note that typing in all uppercase letters, repeating question or exclamation marks is considered yelling in chat and is disruptive to the normal flow of chat. We do not allow chat participants to advertise products or services, or to ridicule services provided by us or other companies. Internet links pointing to external sites are allowed only if they have strictly educational purposes. No personal contact information, including e-mail addresses and instant messaging handles, are allowed to be sent in the chat channels. Anyone cursing or swearing will not be tolerated. All problems and issues will be addressed in a civil manner on our support channel.

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Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Marketiva Trading Platform Basics

Where can I see your software?
Please visit our slideshow at slide page to preview our software platform.

Can I trade through your web site?
In order to trade at Marketiva you have to download and install the Streamster application. There are no other ways to trade. To get the Streamster, please go to download page.

Where can I download the Streamster?
Streamster is an application you need to download and install on your computer in order to use our services. When you download it from download page, you need to install the application on your local computer and run it to access our services.

What Operating System do I need?
We currently directly support Windows 98 / Me / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7. There is a development version that can work through Wine simulator on Linux and some other Unix operating systems, but we do not have a release version at this moment. If you have Mac OS, you may use PC simulator.

How secure is your software?
Streamster uses industry-standard 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to encrypt the communication between you and the Streamster Server. Streamster protects your privacy by encrypting any and all data received and sent between Streamster and the Streamster Server, and by verifying the identity of the Streamster Server prior to any communication.

Where can I find more help on your platform?
To read more details about Streamster, please go to streamster help page.

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Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

10 Artikel Tentang Bisnis Untuk Pemula: Panduan Dasar

Artikel di bawah adalah pilihan postingan lama yang pernah ditulis oleh admin blog bisnis online dimana merupakan referensi panduan dasar bisnis internet untuk pemula , dirasa patut dibaca bagi yang belum membacanya.

Artikel bisnis tersebut hanya pengenalan alias kulit luarnya saja mengenai cara bisnis online/ mendapatkan uang melalui internet. Ini bukan ebook dan ditulis oleh pemula, jadi

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Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Download Help

Most problems when downloading files are caused by incomplete or corrupted downloads. There are a number of reasons why this might occur. These can include but are not limited to: problems with your Internet connection, problems with your computer, peak traffic on the server, or a damaged file on the server.

Problems with Your Internet Connection
If you have access to second computer with an Internet connection, try your download there. If you can download to second computer successfully, the first may have a problem with its Internet connection. While the download is in progress, try not to use the computer for any other purpose, as another application's demands on your computers processor might result in this sort of problems.

Problems with Your Computer
If you have consistent problems with downloading files from the Internet, you may be having a problem with your computer. As a file is downloaded, it is written to your computer's hard disk. If there is a disk problem, the file may not be written properly. Try running a disk utility to check for errors. If any are found, they should be corrected before downloading any files. Also check your computer for viruses as these can affect its operation.

Peak Traffic on the Server
The Marketiva.com site receives a lot of heavy traffic daily. The number of visitors soars whenever we place a new product or an upgrade for download. During these peak traffic periods, some of our customers have a difficult time downloading. We will try to accommodate extra traffic, and will offer alternative download sites. If high traffic is the cause of the download problems, your only option is to try one of the alternate download sites, or to wait for an off-peak time to download.

Damaged File on the Server
We verify our files when we post them to make sure that they are valid. That said, it is possible that a file posted on one of our servers can be damaged. If you have downloaded the same file to several different computers and the resulting download is damaged, you should report it to us so we can correct the problem.

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Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Customizing Streamster™

Streamster allows you to customize it in many ways. You are able to setup sounds, voice and visual notifications, resize and relocate windows, change the way Streamster minimizes and much more.

Setting up sound, voice and visual notifications
Streamster can trigger an audio or visual notification for an alert or a news story. If an alert or news item is of low importance, no notification will be generated. Alerts or news items of normal importance generate a sound.

To disable the sound notifications:
  • Click the Settings button.
  • Disable the box next to the Beep when a news item or alert is received.
  • Click OK to confirm.
Alerts or news items of high priority are pronounced by using the currently active text-to-speech engine (if available).

To disable the speech notifications:
  • Click the Settings button.
  • Disable the box next to the Pronounce high-priority news and alerts.
  • Click OK to confirm.
To configure the default voice in which the speech notifications are played back, please consult Windows Help.

Resizing windows in Streamster
In order to resize a window within the Streamster, you need to click and drag the border of the particular window you want to resize. Windows can be resized horizontally and vertically.

Relocating and splitting windows
Streamster allows you to completely change placement and order of its windows. If you click on a window tab (without releasing mouse button) and drag it to a section of an existing window, that window will split into two new windows. You can do the same but in opposite direction: merge all windows into one.

Changing the way Streamster shows in taskbar
You are able to choose which way you want Streamster to behave when minimized. By default, Streamster minimizes to your taskbar, but if you check "Show icon in the taskbar when Streamster is minimized" in the Settings dialog on the Advanced tab, Streamster will minimize to the system tray.

Using descriptive names for Charting tabs
By default, names of Charting tabs are non-descriptive and additional charts contain respective order numbers only. In order to see tabs with instrument and chart range shown in Charting tabs, you need to do the following:
  • Click the Settings button.
  • Enable the box next to the Use descriptive names for Charting tabs.
  • Click OK to confirm.

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Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Jarang Update Blog, Ranking Alexa Melorot

Semenjak Blog Bisnis Online ini Jarang Update alias Jarang Posting ternyata membuat Ranking Alexa Melorot atau terjadi penurunan, memang benar sejak dahulu apa yang diberitakan oleh sebagian kalangan blogger mengenai ranking alexa dimana intensitas update blog merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab tinggi rendahnya traffic pengunjung. Mengapa demikian??

Pada posting sebelumya yang berjudul “Tips

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Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Using Charting Application

Chart is a graphical representation of movements of the instrument's price in time.

The Streamster charting application allows you to analyze past behavior of certain instruments, which can significantly help in making trading decisions.

Reading a chart
In the top-right corner of the Charting window stands the Market Instrument ID and the Timescale. The x-axis refers to the date and time while the y-axis refers to the selected instrument price. Movement of the instrument's price can be displayed in various forms, like curve, bar chart and candlestick that spread left-to-right of the window.

Changing a style of a chart
  • To change the form how the instrument's price is displayed:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Style
  • Select one the offered styles, i.e. candle stick

Changing an instrument
To change the instrument displayed:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Instrument
  • Select one the offered instruments

Changing a range on the chart
Range displayed on the Charting window can be changed in two ways:

Changing the time interval displayed:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Timescale
  • Select one the offered intervals

Using the zoom:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Zoom
  • Select one the offered percentages

Working with "My Charts"
If you are using specific Instrument, Timescale etc. with specific indicators more often than others, Streamster may save your time to adjust the Charting windows to suit your needs.

Adding new chart layout
To add a new chart layout:
  • Choose Instrument, Timescale, Zoom, Style and Indicators
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Save Chart...
  • Add name for the chart
  • Click OK

Choosing an existing chart
To choose a chart that was previously saved:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click My Charts
  • Choose one of the existing chart layouts

Organizing "My Charts"
To organize existing charts:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click My Charts
  • Click Organize...
  • You are able to Delete and / or Rename any of existing charts
  • When finished, click Close

Working with indicators
Streamster is offering a number of indicators to rise your trading to a higher level. You could easily combine indicators based on different mathematical models to get the best trading results.

Adding a new indicator
To add a new indicator on a Chart:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Indicators
  • Click on one of the indicators offered
  • On the left of the Charting window you are offered to change default settings for added indicator, link to find out more about it and to remove it immediately
  • Place cursor within the Charting window and click or wait for few seconds for Settings pane to hide.

Removing an indicator
To remove an indicator:
  • Click on the curve of the indicator you wish to remove
  • Settings pane opens on the left of the Charting window
  • Click Remove this indicator

Removing all indicators
To remove all indicators from a Chart:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Indicators then Remove Active Indicators

Editing settings of an indicator
To edit an indicator:
  • Click on the curve of the indicator you wish to edit
  • Settings pane opens on the left of the Charting window
  • Edit colors, periods etc. of an indicator
  • Place cursor within the Charting window and click or wait for few seconds for Settings pane to hide

Showing and hiding open positions
Streamster offers possibility to visually monitor OPEN positions. The positions are represented as a light square (yellow: LONG; blue: SHORT) on the chart. Clicking on the square displays a menu to Change... or Close... selected position.

To show or hide OPEN positions on a Chart:
  • Right-click within the Charting window
  • On context menu click Show positions

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Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Working with Orders, Trades, Positions and Portfolio

Streamster™ provides powerful and easy-to-use tools for trading and detailed view of your portfolio and all past trading actions. All trading options are accessed from the Orders, Trades, Positions, Portfolio and Charting windows in the Streamster.

The Orders window is used for placing and organizing orders. You are offered to work with Market, Limit and Stop orders, depending on when you want its life on the market to begin.

Placing a new order
To place a new order:
  • Click on the New button within the Orders window
  • You are able to enter or change parameters of the order: Price, Price Type, Duration Type (Duration), Quantity, Quantity Type, Exit Stop-Loss, Exit Target and Text
  • Click OK
The order will be placed in the Orders window with status ACTIVE if it waits to be executed, and with status EXECUTED if it is executed immediately.

Editing an order
To edit an order, it must have the status ACTIVE:
  • Within the Orders window click on the row of the order you wish to edit
  • Click on Change...
  • You are able to enter or change parameters: Price, Price Type, Duration Type (Duration), Quantity, Quantity Type, Exit Stop-Loss, Exit Target and Text
  • Click OK

Viewing and reordering columns
Streamster allows you to add, remove and reorder columns in the Orders window to suit your needs:
  • Click on the Columns button within the Orders window
  • Select the columns you wish to see and use Move Up and Move Down buttons to move columns left and right in the Orders window, respectively
  • Click OK

Canceling orders
To cancel one order, it must have the status ACTIVE:
  • Within the Orders window click on the row of the order you wish to cancel
  • Click on Cancel...
  • Click Yes

To cancel orders that have status ACTIVE, click on the Cancel All button in the Orders window. You will be asked to cancel Buy, Sell or All orders. Make your choice and click OK. Orders you choose to cancel, if active, receive status CANCELLED.

Clearing Orders window
To remove all EXECUTED and CANCELLED orders from the Orders window click on Clear button within the Orders window.

The Trades window gives you a complete view on trading actions you preformed. You can customize view on the window to achieve the best ground for analysis of your past trades.

Viewing and reordering columns
Streamster allows you to add, remove and reorder columns in the Trades window to suit your needs:
  • Click on the Columns button within the Trades window
  • Select the columns you wish to see and use Move Up and Move Down buttons to move columns left and right in the Trades window, respectively
  • Click OK

Clearing Trades window
To remove all CONFIRMED trades from the Trades window click on Clear button in the Trades window.

When you want to open a position you need to place an "entry" order. If and when the entry order executes, the position becomes OPEN and starts its life on the market. For a previously opened position an instruction to close it may be entered at any moment.

Editing a position
To edit a position, it must have the status OPENED:
  • Within the Positions window click on the row of the position you wish to edit
  • Click on Change... button
  • You are able to enter or change parameters: Exit Stop-Loss, Exit Target and text written in the Text column
  • Click OK

View and reorder columns
Streamster allows you to add, remove and reorder columns in the Positions window to suit your needs:
  • Click on the Columns button within the Positions window
  • Select the columns you wish to see and use Move Up and Move Down buttons to move columns left and right in the Positions window, respectively
  • Click OK

Closing a position
To close an OPEN position:
  • Within the Positions window click on the row of the position you wish to close
  • Click on Close... button
  • The position will be set to status CLOSED

Closing multiple positions
To close multiple positions:
  • Click on Close in the Positions window
  • You can chose to close All, Short or Long positions

Removing closed positions
To remove all CLOSED positions from the Positions window click on the Clear button.

The Portfolio window displays your current Cash and Market Instrument positions for live and virtual trading desks.

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Minggu, 27 Juni 2010

Trading Techniques

Experienced traders will often say "trend is your friend" or "do not overtrade". What does it mean? The links below will lead you to pages where you can read more about basic trading guidelines, general information about the technical and fundamental analysis, and some simple ideas about risk management. These are just basics - you will need to read much more related literature to become a successful trader.

General Trading Guidelines
Plan your trade and trade your plan: You must have a trading plan to succeed. A trading plan should consist of a position, why you enter, stop loss point, profit taking level, plus a sound money management strategy. A good plan will remove all the emotions from your trades.

The trend is your friend: Do not buck the trend. When the market is bullish, go long. On the reverse, if the market is bearish, you short. Never go against the trend.

Focus on capital preservation: This is the most important step that you must take when you deal with your trading capital. You main goal is to preserve the capital. Do not trade more than 10% of your deposit in a single trade. For example, if your total deposit is $10,000, every trade should limit to $1000. If you don't do this, you'll be out of the market very soon.

Know when to cut loss: If a trade goes against you, sell it and let go. Do not hold on to a bad trade hoping that the price will go up. Most likely, you end up losing more money. Before you enter a trade, decide your stop loss price, a price where you must sell when the trade turns sour. It depends on your risk profile as of how much you should set for the stop loss.

Take profit when the trade is good: Before entering a trade decide how much profit you are willing to take. When a trade turns out to be good, take the profit. You can take profit all at one go, or take profit in stages. When you've recovered your trading cost, you have nothing to lose. Sit tight and watch the profit run.

Be emotionless: Two biggest emotions in trading: greed and fear. Do not let greed and fear influence your trade. Trading is a mechanical process and it's not for the emotional ones. As Dr. Alexander Elder said in his book "Trading For A Living", if you sit next to a successful trader and observe him or her, you might not be able to tell whether he or she is making or losing money. That's how emotionally stable a successful trader is.

Do not trade based on tips from other people: Trade only when you have done your own research. Be an informed trader.

Keep a trading journal: When you buy a market instrument, write down the reasons why you buy, and your feelings at that time. You do the same when you sell. Analyze and write down the mistakes you've made, as well as things that you've done right. By referring to your trading journal, you learn from your past mistakes. Improve on your mistakes, keep learning and keep improving.

When in doubt, stay out: When you have doubt and not sure where the market is going, stay on the sideline. Sometimes, doing nothing is the best thing to do.

Do not overtrade: Ideally you should have 3-5 positions at a time. No more than that. If you have too many positions, you tend to be out of control and make emotional decisions when there is a change in market. Do not trade for the sake of trading.

Technical Analysis
Technical analysis differs from fundamental analysis in that technical analysis is applied only to the price action of the market, ignoring fundamental factors. As fundamental data can often provide only a long-term or "delayed" forecast of market price movements, technical analysis has become the primary tool with which to successfully trade shorter-term price movements, and to set stop loss and profit targets.

Technical analysis consists primarily of a variety of technical studies, each of which can be interpreted to generate buy and sell decisions or to predict market direction.

Support and Resistance Levels
One use of technical analysis, apart from technical studies, is in deriving "support" and "resistance" levels. The concept here is that the market will tend to trade above its support levels and trade below its resistance levels. If a support or resistance level is broken, the market is then expected to follow through in that direction. These levels are determined by analyzing the chart and assessing where the market has encountered unbroken support or resistance in the past.

Popular Technical Analysis Tools
Moving Averages (MA): Indicators used to smooth price fluctuations and identify trends. The most basic type of moving average, the simple moving average, is the average of the past x bars ending with the current bar;

Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD): Indicator that utilizes moving averages to identify possible trends and an oscillator to determine when a trend is overbought or oversold;

Bollinger Bands: Bands that are placed x moving average standard deviations above and below a simple MA line;

Fibonacci Retracement Levels: Indicator used to identify potential levels of support and resistance;

Directional Movement Index (DMI): A positive line (+DI) measuring buying and a negative line (-DI) measuring selling pressure;

Relative Strength Index (RSI): Momentum oscillator that is plotted on a vertical scale from 0 to 100;

Stochastics: Momentum oscillator that measure momentum by comparing the recent close to the absolute price range (high of the range minus the low of the range) over a period of x bars;

Trendlines: Straight line on a chart that connects consecutive tops or consecutive bottoms of prices and is utilized to identify levels of support and resistance;

Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis is the evaluation of non-visual information to evaluate trading activity and make trading decisions. Whereas technical analysts utilize charts and mathematical indicators to quantify price activity, fundamental analysts utilize market news and market forecasts to qualify price activity.

There are numerous market events that move financial markets every week. Some affect every market instrument while others affect specific instruments. If the outcome of a market event has been fully discounted by the market, traders will not notice any discernible impact on their charts. If the outcome of a market event has not been fully discounted by the market, the result is either price appreciation or price depreciation and traders will see this activity on their charts.

Every week, there are fundamentally-important market events that are scheduled in every country at specific times. Similarly, there are fundamentally-important market events that may not be scheduled for specific times. Some countries (Germany, for instance) often do not schedule market events for specific times. The outcome of market events is sometimes leaked in advance in certain countries (Germany, for instance) for different reasons.

Market events include the release of economic data, speeches and testimony by government officials, interest rate decisions, and others.

Controlling Risk
Controlling risk is one of the most important ingredients of successful trading. While it is emotionally more appealing to focus on the upside of trading, every trader should know precisely how much he or she is willing to lose on each trade before cutting losses, and how much he or she is willing to lose in trading account before ceasing trading and re-evaluating.

Risk will essentially be controlled in two ways: by exiting losing trades before losses exceed your pre-determined maximum tolerance (or "cutting losses"), and by limiting the "leverage" or position size you trade for a given account size.

Cutting Losses
Too often, the beginning trader will be overly concerned about incurring losing trades. Trader therefore lets losses mount, with the "hope" that the market will turn around and the loss will turn into a gain.

Almost all successful trading strategies include a disciplined procedure for cutting losses. When a trader is down on a position, many emotions often come into play, making it difficult to cut losses at the right level. The best practice is to decide where losses will be cut before a trade is even initiated. This will assure the trader of the maximum amount he or she can expect to lose on the trade.

The other key element of risk control is overall account risk. In other words, a trader should know before start of trading endeavor how much of trading account he or she is willing to lose before ceasing trading and re-evaluating strategy. If you open an account with $2,000, are you willing to lose all $2,000? $1,000? As with risk control on individual trades, the most important discipline is to decide on a level and stick with it. Further information on the mechanics of limiting risk can be found in trading literature.

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Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

Introduction to Markets

Buying and Selling
Financial market is a mechanism that allows people to easily buy and sell (trade) market instruments at low transaction costs and at prices that reflect efficient markets. Financial markets have evolved significantly over several hundred years and are undergoing constant innovation to improve liquidity.

If you believe value of a market instrument is going to increase, then you would buy the instrument and at one point in the future you would sell it for a higher price. This is the basic motivation for trading on financial markets.

Orders and Positions
When you want to open a position you need to place an "entry" order. If and when the entry order executes, the position becomes "open" and starts its life on the market. At some point in the future, you will place an "exit" order to "close" the position. A position can be "long" (entry order is to buy and exit order is to sell an instrument) or "short" (entry order is to sell and exit order is to buy an instrument).

At the point when you place your entry order, you need to define price level at which you want to buy or sell certain instrument. You also need to specify type of the order and quantity of the instrument you want to trade. There are 3 order types:

Market Order
Placing a market order means that you will buy at the current "ask" (or "offer") price, or sell at the current "bid" price, whatever that price currently is. For example, suppose you are buying a market instrument and its current market price is 129.34 / 129.38. This means a participant in the market is willing to buy the instrument from you at 129.34 and / or sell it to you at 129.38.

Stop Order
Initiating a trade with a stop order means that you will only open a position if the market moves in the direction you are anticipating. For example, if an instrument is trading at 129.34 / 129.38 and you believe it will move higher, you could place a stop order to buy at 129.48. This means that the order will only be executed if ask price in the market moves up to 129.48. The advantage is that if you are wrong and the market moves straight down, you will not have bought (because 129.48 will never have been reached). The disadvantage is that 129.48 is clearly a less attractive rate at which to buy than 129.38. Opening a position with a stop order is usually appropriate if you wish to trade only with strong market momentum in a particular direction.

Limit Order
A limit order is an order to buy below the current price, or sell above the current price. For example, if an instrument is trading at 129.34 / 129.38 and you believe the market will rise, you could place a limit order to buy at 129.28. If executed, this will give you a long position at 129.28, which is 10 pips better than if you had just used a market order. The disadvantage of the limit order is that if the instrument moves straight up from 129.34 / 129.38 your limit at 129.28 will never be filled and you will miss out on the profit opportunity even though your view on the direction was correct. Opening a position with a limit order is usually appropriate if you believe that the market will remain in a range before moving in your anticipated direction, allowing the order to be filled first.

For both entry and exit orders you can specify price levels at which you want them to be executed. You have to specify entry levels when you place you entry order, while most trading systems would allow you to specify exit levels at any time.

Calculating Profit
The objective of trading is to buy a market instrument and later sell the same market instrument for a higher price. In case of margin trading, trader can also sell a market instrument first and later buy the same market instrument for a lower price. Either way, trader has to close position in order to lock in the profit.

Let us assume that you open a long position by buying a market instrument for 129.38 (quantity of 10000) and few hours after that, you close the position by selling it for 129.52 (same quantity of 10000). These two trades would bring you profit of (129.52 - 129.38) * 10000 = 1400.

We can also say that these two trades would bring you 14 "points" profit. A "point" is the smallest increment in an instrument's price. For the instrument in the above example, one point is 0.01 and for an instrument denominated with 4 decimals, one point would be 0.0001. Expressing position profits in points is often very useful for quick calculations and estimates.

One point, from the example position above, would bring you 0.01 * 10000 = 100 profit, denominated in the same currency the market instrument is denominated in.

In case of Forex, currency pair denomination will be in the counter currency (JPY is the counter or quote currency in the USD/JPY pair) and you may need additional currency conversion to get profit calculated in the currency your trading account is denominated in.

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Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

What Is Marketiva?

What is Marketiva?
With more than 800,000 serviced users, 500,000 unique and live trading accounts, and more than 3.8 million live orders executed each month, Marketiva is one of the most popular over-the-counter market makers in the world providing Forex, Indexes and Commodities trading services.

May I open a test account and try the system first?
Because live and virtual trading desks co-exist within one Marketiva account, you may try our system with a regular account and later use the same account for live trading. In any case, you can open your Marketiva account for free!

How much money do I need to start trading forex right now?
With its flexible quantity specifications and $5 cash reward, Marketiva allows you to start trading with no money down. Due to strict lot specifications, many other over-the-counter market makers require at least $500 to start with.

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Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Never Give Up Dude, All Come From Zero : Slogan Blogger Pemula

Slogan atau berupa kata motivasi Never Give Up Dude, All Come From Zero ini menurut saya sangat cocok bagi seorang blogger pemula layaknya saya yang mencoba All Come From Zero. Memulai Bisnis Online dari NOL dan Never Give Up Dude. Kayak lagunya D’Masiv “Jangan Menyerah”, kurang lebih seperti itu.

Seperti kontes seo joko susilo dengan tema Stop Dreaming Start Action, kali ini Yasirli membuat

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Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Bisnis Online 2010 : Blogging dan PPC

Fenomena bisnis online 2010 yang banyak di gandrungi oleh banyak pebisnis. Terjun ke dunia online menjadi suatu alternatif pekerjaan baru. Tentunya banyak hal penyebab orang mencoba bisnis online. Tidak sedikit yang berhasil, namun banyak juga yang mengalami kegagalan.

Kesalahan dalam mindset mengenai bisnis online menjadi faktor pertama kegagalan dalam bisnis online 2010. Beberapa Mindset yang

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Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Kenyataan Forex

....sebuah peluang bisnis yang sangat menjanjikan, bisa menghasilkan keuntungan besar secara singkat, juga bisa menimbulkan kerugian yang besar dalam waktu sekejap, istilahnya berbanding lurus dengan hasil dan resikonya (hight risk investment). Ada sebagian kisah sukses dan sebagian besar berjatuhan.
....begitu manis atau mengerikankah bisnis ini?...(to be continue..)

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Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Hedging dan Average strategi Money Management

Hedging :
(Saat ini broker-broker dari  Amerika Serikat (NFA,CFTC Regulation) tidak mengijinkan trading memakai sistem ini).

Bagi sebagian orang Hedging dianggap merupakan salah satu cara yang cukup ampuh untuk meraih profit namun kembali lagi apapun taktik, strategi dan caranya yang namanya resiko akan selalu melekat saya pribadi lebih suka memposisikan hedging untuk menyelamatkan atau mengunci kekalahan kita. Salah satu kelemahan dari hedging ini adalah dari segi waktu yang lama, menuntut perhitungan yang lebih cepat dan teliti, bisa mempengaruhi dari segi psikologis kita bagi yang tidak sabaran. Akibatnya malah kita bisa terjebak ke minus point yang lebih besar lagi.
Dasar-dasar hedging
Hedging adalah suatu keadaan dimana kita membuka 2 posisi berlawanan secara bersamaan yaitu membuka open posisi buy, tapi juga sekaligus membuka open posisi sell secara bersamaan dengan tanpa di pasangi stop loss melainkan hanya target profit saja biasanya target profitnya berkisar 30-50 poinan adapun maksud dan tujuannya adalah supaya kita memperoleh profit disaat terjadi swing harga baik saat harga bullish maupun saat harga bearish
Cara kerja hedging :
Pada saat salah satu open posisi mencapai target misalnya 50 point maka open posisi yang tadi akan otomatis terlikuidasi sehingga anda hanya punya 1 posisi saja yang masih minus 50 point langkah selanjutnya adalah menunggu sampai minus di posisi yang satunya berkurang sedikit misalnya dari minus 50 point jadi tinggal minus 30 point. Jika benar terjadi minus berkurang, maka kita akan melakukan open posisi yang berlawanan lagi tapi secara fakta kita sudah untung 20 poin demikian seterusnya proses situ berjalan yang penting diingat adalah kita harus konsekuen sesuai target kita jangan menjadi gugup jika misalnya kedua posisi malah minus semua berpikirlah dengan tenang bahwa sebenarnya apapun yang terjadi minus anda tidak akan lebih dari angka-angka yang telah di kunci tersebut.
Bagaimana setelah saya mencoba menunggu beberapa waktu dengan harapan posisi saya yang tinggal satu ini minusnya berkurang, tapi malah kenyataannya makin bertambah?
Inilah salah satu kelemahan dari tak-tik hedging tersebut salah satunya cara yang bisa dilakukan ya sesegera mungkin melakukan open posisi yang berlawanan tersebut sebelum minusnya makin bertambah besar dengan harapan kelak kesempatan untuk mengurangi minus akan selalu ada.
Idealnya system hedging di praktekan jika salah satu posisi mengalami kerugian berkisar 30-50 poinan saja. Sistem hedging sudah mulai terasa berat di praktekan kalau salah satu posisinya sudah mengalami kerugian mencapai lebih dari 100 poin ada satu cara untuk mengurangi minus poin tersebut yang akan kita bahas pada sesi berikut ini.
Average adalah salah satu cara untuk meminimalkan kekalahan dengan cara membuka posisi yang sama.
Contohnya open buy yang pertama anda sudah kalah -100 poin maka anda segera membuka posisi open buy lagi maka jika kemudian harga bergerak turun mencapai 100 poin maka anda akan mendapati posisi seperti ini: open posisi pertama anda menjadi profit 0 sementara open posisi ke dua menjadi profit +100 jika terjadi demikian maka anda masih bisa mendapatkan profit
Tetapi jika dirasakan open posisi keduanya berada dalam keadaan tidak menentu bahkan cenderung akan loss lagi maka bisa diambil jalan tengahnya yaitu open posisi pertama minus -50 kita tutup sebaliknya open posisi kita yang kedua profit +50 juga kita tutup maka kita akan mendapatkan kondisi dalam keadaan netral kembali ( modal kita masih tetap utuh )
Contoh kasus EURO-USD
Open posisi 1 buy di : 1.1919
Harga tick saat ini di : 1.1819
Kerugian posisi 1 saat ini : -100 poin
Buka open posisi lagi
Open posisi 2 buy di : 1.1819
Target BEP di : (1.1919+1.1819) : 2 = 1.1869
Pada saat harga bergerak di harga 1.1869 artinya anda sudah mencapai titik impas anda bisa melikuidasi ke dua posisi tersebut dan modal pokok anda masih utuh tidak berkurang
Kelemahan pada system Average:
System average memiliki kelemahan yaitu malah bisa semakin menambah beban minus point maka sebaiknya system ini dilakukan apabila kerugian sudah mencapai di kisaran 100-150 poin. Dan jangan dilupakan pula dasar dari pengambilan keputusan adalah tetap berpedoman pada prinsip range High dan Low yang telah anda pelajari di awal supaya walaupun anda masih kalah anda masih bisa mendapatkan harga yang terbaik.
Inti yang harus kita pahami adalah bagaimana caranya pada saat kita kalah, kekalahan tersebut tidak perlu sampai mengurangi modal pokok kita. Seandainya mengurangipun usahakan pada titik seminimal mungkin.
Inilah sebabnya mengapa modal yang di gunakan untuk trading cukup 10% saja dari modal pokok kita gunanya untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan
System Forex trading adalah hal yang sederhana, bahkan begitu sederhananya kadang membuat kita menjadi lupa atau masa bodoh dan menganggap semuanya masih bisa diatasi dan dalam batas toleransi
Mungkin melihat nilainya yang kecil maka kita masih menolerirnya namun di balik semua itu tersimpan bahaya yang luar biasa besarnya yang mengancam keseluruhan keadaan financial anda.
Ada cerita nyata yang mengisahkan pada awal koloni kulit putih di benua Amerika, orang-orang kulit putih ini membeli pulau Manhatan New York dari penduduk pribumi suku Indian dengan manik-manik senilai kira-2x USD 24 saja.
Namun jika Uang USD 24 tersebut di tabung dengan bunga 4% saja maka orang-orang Indian itu kini bisa membeli kembali pulau Manhatan New York Lengkap dengan isinya gedung-gedung pencakar langit bahkan masih mendapat kembalian. Mungkin ada sebagian dari pembaca yang pernah mendengar kisah ini. Maka Albert Einsten pernah berujar bunga berbunga adalah keajaiban dunia yang ke 8
Banyak kekalahan besar timbul dari sikap demikian kekalahan besar timbul dari hal sepele dan bodoh yang jika kita berpikir dengan tenang maka kita akan heran sendiri mengapa bisa sampai kita berbuat sebodoh itu. Tapi itulah faktanya
Menghadapi sikap tamak serakah walaupun secara teori mudah namun pada prakteknya dari jaman dahulu sampai sekarang tetap merupakan musuh terberat dalam hidup ini.
sumber : http://lukitohendro.cjb.net

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Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Mencoba Bisnis Online Afiliasi Hosting Hostgator $50 per sign up

Bagi anda yang ingin mencoba mencari recehan dollar, tidak ada salahnya untuk mencoba bisnis online yang satu ini yaitu Afiliasi Hosting Hostgator. Seperti kita ketahui, Hostgator merupakan salah satu perusahaan jasa webhosting ternama dan terkenal. Dan salah satu cara strategy marketing mereka adalah melalui affiliasi ini, jadi kita akan mendapatkan imbalan jika kita berhasil menjual atau

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Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

Bisnis Online Jual Beli Chips Poker By Zynga

Untuk anda sebagai pengguna fasilitas Mini blog atau sering disebut dengan istilah Facebook pastinya pernah mendengar atau tidak asing lagi dengan permainan Poker by zynga dimana permainan tersebut sangat diminati oleh banyak orang termasuk saya sendiri yang sekarang ternyata sebagai pencandu tingkat menengah. :D

Tentunya jika ingin memainkannya kita harus memiliki chips atau bisa disebut juga

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Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

Choosing a Forex Broker / Forex Review / Forex Bonus

Before trading Forex you need to set up an account with a Forex broker. So what exactly is a forex broker? A forex broker is a forex provider that you sign up with, in order to trade the forex market.

There are many forex brokers or providers, and unlike other types of trading, there is no one centralized market. Instead there are thousands of forex brokers or market makers as they’re also called, who set their own currency prices and spreads.

But because the forex market is competitive, there’s usually not a large enough difference in prices and spreads between different forex brokers to practice arbitrage. But every forex broker is slightly different, and you should check that the broker that you’re looking at will give you a good deal Visit Here to find Good Forex Deal and Forex Bonus.

Forex Trading Platforms / Forex Trading Software

Forex brokers will provide you with an online trading platform, downloaded to your computer and requiring you to log in with them when you trade, or as a totally online interface.

The best way to see if the platform is adequate is to run their forex demo account to see if you can do all of your trading tasks on their forex trading platform.

You’ll be looking at the currency charts, applying your system rules and indicators to assess the currencies you’re looking at, placing orders of various types for the spot forex market (market orders, stop orders and limit orders), and viewing your forex account details, including your leveraged float available for trading.

Most providers will provide forex charts as a part of their online trading platforms. However the quality of the charting packages may vary, so check that you can do essential things such as drawing lines, writing notes, and plotting indicators. That is, whatever you need to do to trade the system, and this does vary from system to system. Many forex charts will be able to do all this, but sometimes they are not. Some providers have up to 2-3 levels of charting available, but one level is free.

Whether you need to upgrade will depend on the indicators you need to draw for your system. So try their demo accounts out to be able to tell.

Using Forex Demo Accounts

A forex demo account is a virtual account that comes with play money that you can make virtual trades with. Forex demo accounts are free of charge and they are supposed to represent actual market conditions. Some forex brokers limit the forex demo account to 30 days of use. A good forex broker allows unlimited use of a forex demo account.

There are a lot of Forex Demo Accounts out there to choose from and you do have to do a little research sometimes to find the right Forex demo account to use as each one varies in complexity and the help that is available.  Another variable is how long you can operate your Forex demo account.

There are a just couple of other things to consider when choosing a Forex demo account and these are; size of the account, i.e practice money they give you, and whether they offer real time or close to real time rates.
I guess that all sounds a bit complicated but I can assure you that it really is not.

Using a Forex demo account is a GREAT way to dip your toe in the waters of Forex trading without completely taking the plunge or even worse, taking a bath!

With the right Forex demo account you could quickly grasp the essentials of Forex trading and gain confidence enough to open a live account and start trading for real and the best thing is that they are FREE!

So shop around and see which Forex demo accounts you find suit you best and start practicing and if you don’t find the Forex demo account that works for you then simply close it and find another Forex demo account and try that one out! Visit Here to find Best Forex Demo Accounts and Forex bonus



The forex market is an unregulated market meaning there is no central exchange. However, forex brokers themselves are regulated. In the US they should be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CTFC) and a member of the National Futures Association(NFA). You can verify a broker’s status with the NFA on the NFA web site. If you do not find the broker you are interested in listed with the NFA, look for another broker that is listed and has a clean record.

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